7 Proven Content Marketing Trends that will Dominate 2018

Content Marketing Trends to improve your Brand presense

Welcome to the technology year. As advanced technology and search engine algorithms change, every industry marketer adapts to the newest trend in content marketing to stay at the top and create strong brand awareness online.

There are many articles published every day, and most of them get clicked and shared on different social platforms. But in the digital world, content marketing is constantly upgrading. These days we have seen the content of brand publishing, video tutorials, and display advertising become most significant.

So what about content marketing in 2018? What are the prominent enterprises doing with content that will soon be more widely adopted?

Content Marketing Institute says, “Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience – and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

Before we dig in, let’s look at the facts and figures of content marketing in 2017.

According to PointVisible, 89% of B2B marketers and 86% of B2C marketers report they are using content marketing to increase leads and drive their brand forward.

Social Media Content Marketing Stats
Valuable Social Media Content Marketing Stats

The video is The Present and Future of Marketing:

The video is the most popular marketing strategy, and it was increasing at a drastic range in 2017 and is expected to be the darling of 2018. As per the Hubspot Report, approx. 48% of marketers share videos on YouTube and Facebook for content marketing, and that ratio is not slowing down. It’s constantly growing.

There are many tools and smartphones available to create a professional video; now, there is no need to install high-resolution software or expensive SLRs to make a high-cost video. If you are interested in going for live video, then Facebook and Snapchat create your video.

Publish Unique Content to target people and needs:

Now it’s time to create your content based on your target audience. Content is critical, but don’t let content confuse you with your niche customer’s wants and needs. The majority of services and sales are dependent on trusted content and reviews.

If your content reaches people’s requirements, then they will blindly trust your brand. Relevant content makes sense for both searchers and engines that interpret the topic as per the searcher’s query.

Engage with Social Media:

Social media and content marketing may have seemed interchangeable, like muffins and cupcakes, but if the recipe is properly executed, the desired result will be wonderful. Content marketing on social media means distributing and promoting content via video, images, storytelling, etc.

“Successful social media strategies build with solid content marketing processes”

Customize the content and distribute it on each channel. Consider what messages are appropriate for each channel and create a message to resonate with the specific audience.

Use of Influencers on Demand

Content marketing via influencers is increasing rapidly to build your brand’s online presence in a short time. Today so many luxury brands, like cosmetics, use influencer marketing, which is more authentic than advertising.

To this end, nearly all brands are looking to partner with individuals who have collectively significant followings on social media. However, micro-influencers with 10000+ followers help to distribute engaging and promotional content on their social networks at a meager cost.

Whether influencer programs are successful in the long term is not yet clear, but the fact is, in 2018, more brands will search to partner with individuals to get their content to deliver on strong social networks.

Invest in the long term for Fruitful Results

Content marketing is a long-term strategy to generate sustainable results and organic growth for your company. For that, you should continue publishing quality content. The short-term strategy provides you with immediate results, but long-term tactics provide you with consistent returns.

Every long-term investment in content is a new asset for your business. However, continuously creating quality content will increase brand value and higher returns in the long term.

Hyper-personalizing content

To stay on top in this competitive market, major cutting-edge brands need to produce thousands of quality content via posts or videos. Personalized content marketing is more relevant, niche-targeted, and better perceived than ‘regular marketing.’

According to JBH, “Hyper-personalization could help you have more meaningful interactions with your potential customers – and it’s not as complicated as you think”.

Hyper-personalization is called the gold standard in marketing. In this evolving digital world, personalized marketing is the best tool to deliver highly relevant content marketing where data, targeting, and messaging are aligned.

By focusing on these 7 content marketing strategies, you’ll be ahead of your competitors by distributing quality content to your target audience. Next, share that content as much as possible, then track results and identify the gaps where you can make improvements.

So stop focusing on content marketing to drive sales and start producing content to fulfill your audience’s needs. Just follow these proven 7 marketing strategies if you want your content marketing investments to work for your business truly.

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